In order to market any enterprise successfully, you sometimes need to think outside the box. Using the same stale old tactics over and over soon stops delivering any tangible gain. This becomes a problem even more with the rise of the concept of “Best Practices”. Pushed by eager consultants, businesses around the world started to […]
Dark Energy in the Digital Age
The advertising media landscape is aglitter with new possibilities. Websites are universal. Social media is everywhere. Mobile is pervasive. Massive shifts of media dollars away from traditional media (television, radio, print) to the new digital media are evident everywhere. Advertising budgets are often reduced as brands transition to greater use of digital media. Along with […]
Not Invented Here: Cross-industry Innovation
Innovation was and remains crucial if you want to remain competitive and keep pace with your industry. Much has been written about innovation. This book virtually adds some fresh thoughts to to body of knowledge.
Is cross-industry innovation for you? There are smart ways to make it work for almost every business
The concept of cross-industry innovation is getting more and more attention. This is for a good reason. The combination of maturing industries and disruptive change makes the traditional approach to innovation within the boundaries of an industry less effective.
How do you get the most out of your strategic planning meeting? Practical advice for preparation and follow-up
Strategic planning meetings are a very controversial thing. They have a bit of a reputation to be just another fancy management trend. I have to admit that I, too, have my doubts if all of these meetings are worth the efforts. My experience tells me that there is much truth in Brian Quinn’s famous quote: […]
Management By Simplicity
Sometimes, management and strategy seem to be fairly complicated issues: everything is complex, interdependent, dynamic … Popular writers as well as business schools keep telling us how difficult it is to get all these things right. Everything else will lead to failure. Our guest author Praveen Kumar. S shares some stories about businesses with very […]
When Consulting Projects Go Sideways
Every consultant has at least one project horror story, though some of us have seen more than others. You may call it the project from hell, the death march, or the one that ended up in the ditch. If you haven’t experienced a project that’s gone sideways, consider yourself in the lucky minority. When a […]
The Worst Thing about Best Practices
A colleague asked me to review a client proposal and, at first glance, it looked like a winner. The proposal was short, and it laid out the client’s problem in clear, crisp language. Plus, the team was a great match for the project. I thought, how refreshing — a jargon-free, informative proposal. Then I read […]