Since the arrival of the modern-day Internet, a number of new and exciting business models have emerged. Made possible by increasingly fast broadband connections, powerful computers and smartphones, these sectors have grown quickly in just 20 years or so. Now, they’re some of the largest and most lucrative models in the world.
Why UK Businesses Shouldn’t Ignore GDPR
EU legislation is, often, neither the most exciting nor relevant topic to our business lives. Much of it dictates the specifics of trade, controls safe manufacturing and various other, broad topics. However, from time to time there are significant regulations that matter not only to a specific subset of businesses but to almost every business currently […]
Does Your Business Need Web Conferencing?
The massive growth in video consumption is already taking advertising companies by storm. In 2015, about 96 percent of households in Germany had internet access Europa reports. And as video consumption now accounts for as much as 50 percent of all mobile traffic, it’s safe to say that a lot of users are spending their […]
A Checklist of Startup Mistakes that Could Kill Your Business
It’s hard enough to put up a startup. There are no guarantees of success. says about 50 percent of all new businesses fail within the first five years. And half of those that do probably won’t make it in the next 5 years. That’s a massive amount of failure. And one you’ll need to […]
Can Finance Really Become a Strategic Partner to the Business? Corporate Portfolio Management may be the Answer
Much has been written about how finance organizations can become strategic partners with the businesses they support. While purported experts point to a variety of frameworks, scorecards and key performance indicators, etc. as the keys to bridging the gap between finance and business, these trite ‘solutions’ have done little to make finance the strategic business […]
Is cross-industry innovation for you? There are smart ways to make it work for almost every business
The concept of cross-industry innovation is getting more and more attention. This is for a good reason. The combination of maturing industries and disruptive change makes the traditional approach to innovation within the boundaries of an industry less effective.
Nine Pitfalls of Organizational Change
This is a guest article from David Chaudron, PhD The Wall St. Journal has many times reported on the struggling efforts of companies trying to effectively change their organization. With such national focus on the needs of organizations to respond to today’s volatile climate, why all the failure? Based on our experience, there are several […]
Strategy and change – natural order or chicken-and-egg problem?
At the first glance, it is common sense: at first, a strategy is developed. Then, change is necessary in order to implement that strategy. The logic of this order is striking, isn’t it? Unfortunately, life is not as simple as we would prefer. It would be shortsighted to see change only as a means of […]
Management By Simplicity
Sometimes, management and strategy seem to be fairly complicated issues: everything is complex, interdependent, dynamic … Popular writers as well as business schools keep telling us how difficult it is to get all these things right. Everything else will lead to failure. Our guest author Praveen Kumar. S shares some stories about businesses with very […]
Internal Communication of Change
In this paper I will discuss one specific reason for failure of effective internal communication of change. My hypothesis is that change is communicated by the wrong people. It is not that these people are unwilling or not experienced enough. But that they are too deeply into the issue. Hence, they simply don’t know how […]