Much has been written about how finance organizations can become strategic partners with the businesses they support. While purported experts point to a variety of frameworks, scorecards and key performance indicators, etc. as the keys to bridging the gap between finance and business, these trite ‘solutions’ have done little to make finance the strategic business […]
Dark Energy in the Digital Age
The advertising media landscape is aglitter with new possibilities. Websites are universal. Social media is everywhere. Mobile is pervasive. Massive shifts of media dollars away from traditional media (television, radio, print) to the new digital media are evident everywhere. Advertising budgets are often reduced as brands transition to greater use of digital media. Along with […]
Measurements and indicators – You will only get what you ask for!
Measures and indicators are important tools for every manager. They tell us how we have performed in the past (lagging indicators) or what to expect in future (leading indicators). It is common sense that business-related measures and indicators help managers to make better decision. However, the value of these measures largely depends on a wise […]
Rudderless organization without strategy
Without strategy, every company, organization or institution is rudderless. But what is strategy? A clear story with a distinct vision about where the organization needs to go and how to get there? According to Dr. Marco de Haas, CEO of S-Ray Diagnostics, this is not enough. A strategy is only a strategy when it is […]