This case study describes how a large corporation with several business unites developed and implemented a consistent group-wide process for strategic analysis and strategic planning for the first time.
Making sense of strategy
If you are looking for a compact framework of corporate strategy – what it is all about and how to do it – this book will be a good choice for you:
Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change
For me, this book turned out to be the perfect reading when I was unsatisfied with the traditional strategic planning process in our dynamic, volatile, and unpredictable world:
Strategy Safari – The complete guide through the wilds of strategic management
This book was the nugget of my complete MBA reading list. All the other books were text books and thus more or less easy to understand. This one, however, was the only one I read as a page-turner.
Strategy making in the past and today – Part 2: Problems with the traditional strategy process
This part two of our article series about traditional and new approaches to strategy development looks at the problems related to the traditional strategy process. They mainly arise from today’s dynamic and unpredictable business environment – a condition that the original process was not designed for.
Strategy making in the past and today – Part 1: The traditional strategy process
Management theory and practice widely accept today that businesses operate in a more and more complex, dynamic, less predictable environment. This situation requires managers to develop new ways of thinking and acting. Nevertheless, many managers still follow the old approach of strategic positioning and strategic planning. This basic model proved to be very worthwhile for […]