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HR - Expatriates

Female Expatriate Managers – Why so Few? Dual-Perspective Case Studies of Three Swedish MNCs. Masters Thesis.

The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the reasons behind the low ratio of women among expatriate managers of Swedish multinational corporations.

Results show that reasons for the low ratio of female expatriates, as described from a corporate perspective, are mainly related to the usage of an array of informal factors. Such factors include an unconscious tendency of men choosing other men, male networks, and the fact that expatriate candidates are well known to selectors. Reasons from the female expatriates’ perspective are primarily connected to dual-career and family issues, but a lack of female role models, mentoring and networking also seems to contribute to the low ratio of women among expatriate managers of Swedish multinational corporations. In addition, there are tendencies toward differences in perspectives between corporations and female expatriates.

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