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Management - Crisis Management and Turnaround Management

Modality planning for preventing tunnel vision Crisis management is a time-critical task with high uncertainty and high risk. Stress and cognitive overload often result in a set of bias in crisis manager’s situation understanding and information confirming processes, known as “tunnel vision”. Aiming at preventing tunnel vision, we propose an information assistant system which attempts to reduce the information quantity, improve the information quality, and prevent cognitive overload of the user. The main focus of this paper is to present the design proposal of the modality planning module. It is one of the modules which play a role in the prevention of tunnel vision. The function of this module is to determine the optimum utilization of the available modalities, in order to convey information effectively and reduce the cognitive load of the perceivers. The modality planning strategies also adapt to the user’s preferences and cognitive state. pdf






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Status: 05. Januar 2010