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Industries - Auditing / Consulting 

On this site you will find information about the consulting and auditing industry.
The external links in our web directory will lead you to information about
- trends 
- case studies
- industry data
- management best practices and more
that are specific to the consulting and auditing industry.

We also have compiled a list of articles on the consulting industry from the and from our valued partners in our publications section.

Some pieces of information on this site may be outdated. However, these are the papers that are still available on the web. Maybe, you will find them interesting in a historic context.


An Inside Look at Auditor Changes Auditor changes have been an object of scrutiny recently as the profession and regulators seek to understand the reasons behind such changes and what they might portend about a company’s health. A study of auditor changes over the last two years yielded interesting results that should be of both interest and concern to investors and regulators. 2005  
Peer Review The Peer Review Team of AICPA provides standards for peer review and other useful information TOP
Peer Review: An Emerging Niche Market Peer review is now a licensing requirement for accounting firms in more than 40 states. Additional jurisdictions are either implementing enacted legislation or working toward mandatory peer review requirements.  This has created an opportunity for public accounting firms to expand their line of services. The decision to become a peer reviewer should be approached in the same manner as expanding into any new line of service. The following factors should be evaluated: the market demand for the service, the competition from other service providers, the cost and investment required to support the service, the pricing of the service, the institutional support, and the potential additional benefits (e.g., firm reputation, networking opportunities) that might accrue from providing the service. 2008  
Promotion to Partner in Big Firms: Truths and Trends Has the profile of big-firm partners changed over time? What is the average age of people making partner? How long does it take to make partner? Will an advanced degree accelerate promotion? Do audit partners have personal and professional characteristics similar to those of tax partners?   
The construction of global management consulting  Management consulting increasingly appears as a global endeavour as reflected in the increasing dominance of a few large, global management-consulting firms. However, features of the consulting service (e.g. its immaterial and interactional character) as well as aspects of management (e.g. its cultural anchoredness) highlight the locality of management consulting.   
The Management Consulting Industry Confronts Globalization as the pace of globalization has accelerated, an increasing number of service firms have extended their operations internationally. The purpose of this research study was to assess the effects of global forces on one service sector, management consulting. We hypothesized that the largest consulting firms would have responded to global forces by moving some operations (such as accounting, human resources, research support) to low-cost countries. We also hypothesized that the effects of globalization on the firms’ clients, many of which are large manufacturers, would have led the firms to establish offices overseas. pdf 2007  
Trends in Consulting Interview with Fiona Czerniawska, an author and recognized authority on the consulting industry. 2004  
UK Top 50 Accountancy Firms Figures for UK: fee income, growth, no. of partners  
USA Code of Ethics from the Institute of Management Consultants USA  


Related Information
Knowledgebase - Accounting / Finance - Accounting - Professional Bodies & Organizations


The Worst Thing about Best Practices
By Michael W. McLaughlin
Few consulting “tools” are more widely abused these days than so-called best practices. It’s no wonder most banks, supermarkets, airlines, retailers, and consulting firms look astonishingly similar—they’ve been busy copying each other’s best practices for decades. What’s most alarming is how ingrained their use has become in the language of consultants and clients. Best practices have joined the long list of meaningless phrases like scalable strategies, seamless integration, and transformational initiatives.

The Management Consultancy Industry - An Analysis 
The management consultancy industry shows a very fragmented picture with various segments and player groups. We have analyzed this industry in its current state and future prospects. 
This industry shows an impressive growth. It outperforms the average GDP growth in many countries. This growth is fuelled by the developments in its clients industries, which require ever-new consulting needs. Amongst these drivers, IT is one of the most important ones. The German Association of Management Consultants predicts, that about 50% of all consulting assignments will at least partly include some e-business consulting in 2001. However, this industry is not without problems. The already fierce competition will become even harder, driven by new entrants from other industries and by consolidation amongst their clients. Moreover, management consultancies do not only compete for clients, but also for staff. The ability to attract qualified people is one of the critical success factors in this knowledge-based industry. Read our two-part analysis
Part I - Current State: Market Segments and Player Groups - html file - 19 KB
Part II - Future Prospects: Driving Forces, Future Developments for Market Segments and Player Groups, Critical Success Factors for Consulting Businesses -html file - 26 KB




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Status: 03. Juli 2015