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Finance - Valuation - Discounted Cash Flow Valuation


Valuing Companies by Cash Flow Discounting - Ten Methods and Nine Theories This paper is a summarized compendium of all the methods and theories on company valuation using discounted cash flows. It illustrates ten methods: free cash flow, equity cash flow, capital cash flow, APV (adjusted present value), business's risk-free cash flow and equity cash flow, risk-free rate-adjusted free cash flow and equity cash flow, economic profit and EVA. All ten methods always give the same value. This result is logical, as all methods analyze the same reality under the same hypotheses; they differ only in the cash flows taken as the starting point for valuation. The differences between the various theories for firm valuation arise from the calculation of the value of the tax shields. The paper analyses and illustrates nine different theories of the calculation of the VTS; and lists the most important valuation equations according to each of these theories. pdf






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